Freeware for 3D frame analysis FPHM & FPHM-D

Frame analysis programs FPHM & FPHM-D v5.10
(Revised on March 5, 2024)

(Shugyo, M., Prof. Emeritus, Nagasaki Univ., Dr. Eng.

FPHM & FPHM-D v5.10-64E (for Windows 64bitOS, programs and manual)

<Update record>
 From v4.02 onwards, the Appendix 1 concerned with cancellation of unbalanced force
  vector is added.
 From v4.03 onwards, an elastoplastic incremental analysis of a frame containing brittle
  members can be performed.
 From v4.05 onwards, specification of how to estimate the internal force vector of a frame
  is possible (Appendix 2).
 From v5.00 onwards, input of the post-yield non-dimensional strain hardening coefficient
  of the steel fiber is possible (the form of input data is slightly changed).
 From v5.10 onwards, output data increase and the relative additional input data are required.

 The Fibered Plastic Hinge Model (FPHM) program is an analysis code for quasi-static three-dimensional (3D) elastoplastic large deflection analysis of frames that contain steel members, reinforced concrete (RC) members, steel reinforced concrete (SRC) members, concrete filled tube (CFT) members, prestressed concrete (PC) members, composite beams, tension braces, steel damper braces (buckling restrained braces) and truss members. The concept for the model was originally presented by Shugyo (2003a). Since its numerical procedure precisely accounts for PΔ-effects, the ultimate lateral strength of a frame can be obtained accurately.

 The FPHM-dynamic (FPHM-D) program is the analysis code for dynamic 3D elastoplastic large deflection analysis of frames in which the restoring force characteristics of frames are estimated by the FPHM program.

 The verification of the reliability of the FPHM-D program for dynamic analysis was performed through the 3D seismic response analyses of a full-scale four-story steel frame (Shugyo and Shimazu 2014a), and full-scale five-story steel frame with steel damper used in the ‘E-defense Blind Analysis Contest 2009’. The author was the third-place winner of the ‘E-defense Blind Analysis Contest 2009’ in the category of 3D analysis, steel damper (

 The executable files ‘s64.exe’ and ‘d64.exe’ are capable of analyzing a frame model with 1200 nodes. Other executable files ‘ms64.exe’ and ‘md64.exe’ are attached for a compact frame with fewer than 600 nodes.

 The contents of user's manual are as follows:

1. Introduction
2. Characteristics of Fibered Plastic Hinge Model (FPHM)
3. Verification of reliability of the FPHM program
4. Basic form of input data file for the FPHM program and examples
 (1) Frame analysis by the standard model
 (2) The same analysis by the modified model
5. Preparation of input data
 (1) Division of frame into finite elements and acquisition of node coordinates
 (2) Node numbers of both ends of an element
 (3) Cross-sectional shapes, dimensions and material constants
  (a) Standard members
  (b) PC beam
  (c) SRC members with cross-H-shaped steel and T-shaped steel
  (d) Slab-added RC beam
  (e) Virtual element for eccentricity and element exclusion
 (4) Chord angle
 (5) Semi-rigid function and designation of special member
  (a) Semi-rigid connection
  (b) Tension brace
  (c) Steel damper brace (Buckling restrained brace) and truss member
  (d) Brace to replace the in-plane stiffness of an RC slab
  (e) Example of input data for semi-rigid function
 (6) Fixed boundary conditions
 (7) Initial loads (constant loads such as sustained loads)
 (8) Incremental loads
 (9) Displacement to control the frame analysis
 (10) Number of unloading points and displacements at the unloading points
 (11) Loads and displacements for output
6. Execution of the FPHM program and output of the results
 (1) Confirmation of input data and results for initial loads: s6.txt
 (2) Load-displacement relationships: s7.txt
 (3) Yielded elements: s8.txt
 (4) Resultant forces of each element: s9.txt
 (5) Resultant forces of each element at the end of analysis: s9.txt
7. How to use the FPHM-D program
 7.1 Outline of the FPHM-D program
 7.2 Basic form of input data file for the FPHM-D program and examples
  (1) Preparation of input data
  (2) Calculation of natural frequencies of frame
  (3) Preparation of ground acceleration data file
 7.3 Execution of the FPHM-D program and output of the results
  (1) Confirmation of input data: d6.txt
  (2) Time histories of story shearing forces and drift angles of assigned
    five stories : d7.txt and d10.txt
  (3) Yielded elements, coordinates of each node, maximum values of
    displacement, drift angle, acceleration, and shear force of each story up
    to now at every 200 steps: d8.txt
  (4) Resultant forces of all the elements for every 200 steps: d9.txt
8. Examples of drawing by gnuplot
9. Conclusion
10. References
<Appendix 1> Input of the reference value η for fracture criterion of specified
    elements, exclusion of the fractured elements, and the cancellation
    of unbalanced force
<Appendix 2> Specification of how to obtain the internal force vector for
    estimation of the unbalanced force vector of a frame
