@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010721, author = {内田, 滋}, issue = {1}, journal = {経営と経済, Journal of Business and Economics}, month = {Jun}, note = {This article attempts to consider several aspects of recent trends in financial management including the interaction with structural changes of Japanese economy from the institutional point of view, clarifying the changes in the industry and/or economic structure and some relevant implications of the status-quo. It also presents interesting items to cope with some kinds of public-or corporate-managerial policy problems fermented within the changes or even in the national economy., 経営と経済, 82(1), pp.211-236; 2002}, pages = {211--236}, title = {わが国の経済構造変化とフィナンシャル・マネジメントに関する制度論的一考察}, volume = {82}, year = {2002} }