@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001284, author = {久保, 久美子 and 桑原, 浩一 and 野口, 絵理香 and 谷山, 茂人 and 橘, 勝康 and 村田, 昌一}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本水産学会誌, NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI}, month = {Jun}, note = {ブリ血合筋の褐変は血合筋と普通筋の境界部分から起こり,体表側に向かって進行する。これらの現象を解明するために,ミオグロビンのメト化に関与する各筋肉の糖代謝および脂質酸化を測定した。褐変は乳酸の生成に伴いpHが最も低下した血合筋と普通筋の境界部分で始まると考えた。次に,血合筋から抽出された脂質とミオグロビンとの混合実験から,リン脂質の酸化がメト化を促進することが観察された。以上の結果から,褐変はリン脂質の酸化により血合筋と普通筋の境界部分から体表側に向かって進行したと考えた。, The discoloration of yellowtail dark muscle begins at the boundary part between dark muscle and ordinary muscle, and progresses toward the body surface side. To gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, we examined the processes of glycolysis and lipid oxidation in the two types of muscle. The glycolysis analyses indicated that an increase of lactic acid and decline of pH occurred at the boundary between dark muscle and ordinary muscle. An in vitro experiment using dark muscle extract showed that the decline of pH promoted the oxidation of myoglobin. An in vitro experiment using a mixture of extracted lipid and myoglobin from the dark muscle showed that the oxidation of phospholipid promoted the oxidation of myoglobin. Thus, we conclude that the discoloration, caused by the decline of pH at the boundary between dark muscle and ordinary muscle, progresses toward the body surface with oxidation of the phospholipid., 日本水産学会誌, 84(3), pp.408-416; 2018}, pages = {408--416}, title = {養殖ブリ血合筋の褐変機序に及ぼす筋肉糖代謝並びに脂質酸化の影響}, volume = {84}, year = {2018} }