@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014922, author = {藤井, 美知子 and 直野, 公美 and 井ノ上, 憲司 and 古賀, 掲維 and 丹羽, 量久}, journal = {長崎大学 大学教育機能開発センター紀要, Journal of Research and Development Center for Higher Education Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Individual universities have been seeking for better ways of teaching information processing skills. In order to grasp what first year students at Nagasaki University have learned and acquired as to computer related skills, the following study has been conducted since 2006: a questionnaire study of information literacy and computer related skills. This paper aims to show how much the first year students are accustomed to exercises of computer skills and second, to consider effective ways to fill the gap between the knowledge and the skills previously acquired, and the skills required to gain in Nagasaki University. The computer related skills are those which all students are expected to authentically demonstrate before graduation., 長崎大学 大学教育機能開発センター紀要, 1, pp.55-65; 2010}, pages = {55--65}, title = {入学前の情報処理学習状況の調査結果と「情報処理入門」科目授業における理解度との関連}, volume = {1}, year = {2010} }