@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001653, author = {Compel, Radomir}, journal = {多文化社会研究, Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The article deals with the Iraq War of 2003, the post-war occupation and recovery efforts from the perspective of the risk society thesis, exposing the societal risks of post-cold war military strategies. It focuses on three mechanisms with which the United States-led Coalition Provisional Authority endeavored to manage risk: early elections, stable government, and development of civil society. The article finds that there are societal risks associated with the three mechanisms of risk control. It concludes that with the war in Iraq we can identify a new turn in security studies where risk is increasingly human-manufactured, and that it is not enough to cope with such risks through the established mechanisms of risk management., 多文化社会研究, 5, pp.353-365; 2019}, pages = {353--365}, title = {Iraqi Occupation and the Dynamics of Societal Risks}, volume = {5}, year = {2019} }