@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016789, author = {石田, 正弘 and 植木, 弘信 and 坂口, 大作 and 黒川, 清司}, issue = {648}, journal = {日本機械学会論文集. B編, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part B}, month = {Aug}, note = {The auxiliary port injection system was built up using low pressure injectors installed on a common rail. Methanol/water blend was injected into each suction port of a four cylinder turbocharged DI diesel engine by controlling the injection timing and duration electronically. The optimum conditions of the injected amount of methanol/water blend and the blending ratio of methanol and water were investigated to obtain simultaneous reduction in both NOx and smoke without increasing fuel consumption. In the theoretical study, the effect of methanol/water blend on combustion and NO formation was analyzed by using the two-zone model. The proposed auxiliary port injection of methanol/water blend combined with the pilot fuel injection could be a feasible countermeasure., 日本機械学會論文集. B編, 66(648), pp.2248-2254; 2000}, pages = {2248--2254}, title = {メタノール・水補助噴射によるディーゼル機関のNOx・排煙同時低減}, volume = {66}, year = {2000} }