@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017370, author = {西田, まどか and 沖田, 実 and 福田, 幸子 and 岡本, 直須美 and 中野, 治郎 and 友利, 幸之介 and 吉村, 俊朗}, issue = {5}, journal = {理学療法学, The Journal of Japanese Physical Therapy Association}, month = {Aug}, note = {本研究では,関節固定法と後肢懸垂法を組み合わせたラットの実験モデルを用いて,持続的伸張運動と間歇的伸張運動が拘縮と筋線維におよぼす影響を検討した。Wistar系雄ラット17匹を対照群3匹と実験群14匹に分け,実験群は両側足関節を最大底面位で固定した上で後肢懸垂法を2週間行った。また,実験算は固定のみの群(固定群,4匹),固定期間中に麻酔下で毎日30分問,ヒラメ筋に持続的伸張運動を実施する群(持続群,6匹),同様に間歇的伸恨運動を実施する群(間歇群,4匹)に分け,実験終了後は足関節背面角度とヒラメ筋の組織病理学的変化を検索した。足関節背面角度は持続群,間歇群が固定群より有意に高値を示したが,この2群のヒラメ筋には著しい筋線維損傷の発生が認められた。よって,持続・間歇的伸張運動ともに本実験モデルの拘縮の進行抑制に効果的であるが,ヒラメ筋に対しては悪影響をおよぼすことが示唆された。, The objective of this study was to examine the effect of continuous and intermittent stretching exercises on joint contracture and muscle fiber in a rat experimental model characterized by joint immobilization combined with hindlimb suspension. Seventeen male Wistar rats were divided randomly into control (n=3) and experimental (n=14) groups. Bilateral ankles of each rat in the experimental group were immobilized in full plantar flexion; furthermore, hindlimbs were suspended for two weeks. Animals in the experimental group were subjected to three different exercise conditions: immobilization of the soleus muscle without stretching (I group, n=4), continuous stretching of the soleus muscle (CS group, n=6), and intermittent stretching of the soleus muscle (IS group, n=4). Ankle joint mobility in the CS and IS groups was significantly larger than that of group I; however, muscle fiber damage in the CS and IS groups was remarkable. These results suggested that both continuous and intermittent stretching inhibit the progress of joint contracture; moreover, it is possible that stretch exercises could promote necrosis of muscle fibers., 理学療法学. 31(5), p.304-311: 2004}, pages = {304--311}, title = {持続的伸張運動と間歇的伸張運動が拘縮と筋線維におよぼす影響 : 関節固定法と後肢懸垂法を組み合わせたラットの実験モデルによる検討}, volume = {31}, year = {2004} }