@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017902, author = {木下, 節子 and 穐山, 富太郎}, issue = {3}, journal = {リハビリテーション医学, The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {長崎県在住の3~6歳児49,222例を対象として,重症心身障害児の実態を調査した.重症心身障害児と診断されたのは79例(男性44例,女性35例) で,有病率は対象児1,000例に対し1.60であった.障害の発症時期は先天性31例(39.2%),周生期23例(29.1%),後天性13例 (16.5%),複数時期の要因4例(5.1%),不明8例(10.1%)であった.先天性要因と周生期要因の占める割合が大きかった.調査された重症心身障害児79例のうち,74例(93.7%)は在宅介護であった.調査期間の11ヵ月間に4例が死亡した.死亡例はすべて在宅児であった.重症児の在宅介護に対して,支援体制を整えることが必要と考えた., An epidemiological study of developmentally disabled children with motor and mental dysfunctions was conducted in Nagasaki Prefecture. Out of 49,222 children aged 3 to 6 years old, 79 were found to have severe motor and mental disability. The prevalence rate was 1.60/1000. The etiological factors of their disabilities were as follows:prenatal 39.2%, perinatal 29.1%, postnatal 16.5%, and unknown 10.1%. Both prenatal and perinatal factors were important. In 79 cases, 74 children stayed at home with their families. During our research period of 11 months, 4 of them were dead. The supportive system for such children and their families was suggested to be necessary., リハビリテーション医学. 2002, 39(3), p.145-149}, pages = {145--149}, title = {長崎県における発達障害児の疫学調査第IV報 : 重症心身障害児について}, volume = {39}, year = {2002} }