@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018425, author = {綾部, 公懿 and 岡, 忠之 and 辻, 博治 and 原, 信介 and 田川, 泰 and 川原, 克信 and 富田, 正雄}, issue = {4}, journal = {肺癌, Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer}, month = {Aug}, note = {70才以上の高齢者肺癌31例に対する縮小手術の成績について検討した.年齢は70才より84才(平均75.9才)であった.縮小手術の適応は肺野末梢に存在する径3cm以下の肺癌で肺門, 縦隔リンパ節転移, 遠隔転移のないもので, かつ呼吸, 循環機能障害等の合併症を伴うものを原則とした.区域切除が28例, 部分切除が3例であり, 右S^2.S^3.S^6, 左ではS^<1+2+3>.S^6の区切が多かった.組織型では腺癌が23例, 扁平上皮癌6例, その他2例であった.術後合併症は10例(32.3%)に起こったが, 手術死亡, 在院死亡例はなかった.全体の5生率は43.5%であったがStageIの5生率は52.5%であった.高齢者肺癌例に対する縮小手術は根治性を有した侵襲の少ない有用な術式と考えられた., The authors evaluated the results of limited resection of lung cancer in 31 patients over 70 years old. Ages ranged from 70 to 84 (mean 75.9). The indications for limited operations were (1) peripherally located tumor with a diameter of less than 3cm, (2) no hilar or mediastinal lymph node metastasis and no distant organ metastasis, and (3) poor cardiopulmonary reserve. Twenty-eight patients underwent segmentectomy and three wedge resection. In cancer of the right lung, resection of the anterior and posterior segments of the upper lobe was most commonly performed and in cancer of the left lung, the upper division segment of the upper lobe or apical segment of the lower lobe were most commonly resected. The pathological cell types were adenocarcinoma in 23 patients, squamous cell carcinoma in 6 and others in two. There was no operative death or hospital death. Postoperative complications occurred in 10 patients (32.3%). The overall 5-year survival rate of the patients who underwent limited resection was 43.5%, while that of stage I cases was 52.5%. Limited resection for lung cancer in patients over 70 years is effective in selected cases because of good curability and low mortality., 肺癌 = Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer, 32(4), p.537-542; 1992}, pages = {537--542}, title = {高齢者肺癌縮小手術例の検討}, volume = {32}, year = {1992} }