@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018441, author = {須山, 尚史 and 増本, 英男 and 荒木, 澗 and 浅井, 貞宏 and 南, 寛行 and 池野, 雄二}, issue = {6}, journal = {肺癌, Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer}, month = {Dec}, note = {近年,肺癌の診断・治療技術の進歩により,同時性および異時性肺多発癌は稀れではなくなってきた.しかし,同一肺葉内肺多発癌は比較的稀れであり,更に良性腫瘍が混在した場合,その診断は非常に困難である.今回我々は左下葉に3個の腫瘤影を認め,同時性肺多発癌(腺癌,扁平上皮癌)および肺過誤腫であった一手術例を経験した.症例は72才,男性.胸部X線上,左S^6に1個,およびS^<10>に2個の腫瘤影が認められた.手術により,各々扁平上皮癌,腺癌および肺過誤腫の診断が得られ,リンパ節転移,遠隔転移は認められなかった.肺の多発腫瘤影に対しては一つ一つの腫瘤に対して細胞診もしくは組織診を得る努力が必要である.また,肺過誤腫には肺癌の合併率が高いとする報告もあるが,その検討のためには今後多施設における症例の集積が必要であると思われた., The First Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine** In recent years, reported cases of synchronous or metachronous primary lung cancers have been increasing as a result of the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for lung cancer. However, synchronous primary lung cancers in the same lobe are still rare. We reported a case of synchronous primary lung cancers associated with hamartoma in the same lobe. A 72-year-old man with nonproductive cough showed two growing nodules in the left lower lobe of the lung on chest x-ray. Bronchoscopic biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma in B^<10> and carcinoma cells of undetermined histologic type in B^6. Thereafter a small third nodule was noticed in S^<10> which retrospectively had been present on the initial chest x-ray, too. Left lower lobectomy was performed and the pathological diagnosis was synchronous multiple lung cancers (adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) associated with hamartoma in the same lobe. There was no metastasis to regional lymph nodes or to other organs and the postoperative course has been uneventful. It is important to make a cytologic or pathological diagnosis for each nodule when multiple nodules have been found on chest x-ray. Although some authors have argued the increased risk of associated lung cancers in cases of pulmonary hamartoma, further collection of similar cases is needed to prove this contention., 肺癌 = Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer, 32(6), p.937-942; 1992}, pages = {937--942}, title = {同一肺葉内に同時性肺多発癌と肺過誤腫とを合併した一例}, volume = {32}, year = {1992} }