@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018448, author = {鶴谷, 純司 and 福田, 実 and 福田, 正明 and 高谷, 洋 and 岡三, 喜男 and 河野, 茂}, issue = {1}, journal = {肺癌, Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer}, month = {Feb}, note = {51歳,男性の進展型肺小細胞癌(T2N3M1)に対しシスプラチンとエトポシドの併用化学療法を2コース施行し,引き続いて塩酸イリノデカン(以下CPT-11)を総計560mg(320mg/m2)投与した.CPT-11投与開始後7週目より乾性咳鰍と38℃台の発熱を認め,胸部レントゲン写真で両下肺野を中心にスリガラス様陰影,胸部CTでは両肺びまん性の肺野濃度上昇を認めた.臨床経過よりCPT-11による肺臓炎を疑い,静注メチルプレドニゾロンおよび経口プレドニソロンを投与し,臨床症状の軽快と胸部レントゲン写真およびCTで陰影の改善を認めた.CPT-11による薬剤性肺臓炎の報告は少ないが,今後CPT-11を投与するにあたり十分な注意と発症時の早急な対処が必要である., A 51-year-old patient with extensive small cell lung cancer was treated with a total of 560mg ( 320mg/m2 ) of irinotecan hydrochloride ( CPT-1 1 ) following two cycles of cisplatin and etoposide. In the seventh week after the start of CPT-11 therapy, the patient complained of hacking cough and exertional dyspnea with a high fever. Chest X-ray film and chest computed tomogram showed ground-glass opacity mainly in both lower lung fields. Drug-induced pneumonitis due to CPT-11 was strongly suspected, and prednisolone was orally administered and methylprednisolone was administered intravenously. After the steroid therapy, the symptoms and lung opacity gradually disappeared. Although CPT-11-induced pneumonitis is rare, oncologists should be aware of the possibility of its occurring during or following CPT-11 administration., 肺癌 = Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer, 39(1), p.57-61; 1999}, pages = {57--61}, title = {塩酸イリノテカンによると思われる薬剤性肺臓炎の1例}, volume = {39}, year = {1999} }