@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018450, author = {山田, 耕三 and 児島, 章 and 大江, 裕一郎 and 田村, 友秀 and 佐々木, 康綱 and 江口, 研二 and 新海, 哲 and 小野, 良祐 and 原, 耕平 and 西條, 長宏}, issue = {7}, journal = {肺癌, Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer}, month = {Dec}, note = {1984年以降国立がんセンター内科でプロトコールスタディにエントリーされた肺小細胞癌は142例で,初診時あるいは経過中にCTscanにより脳転移を確認された症例は58例(41%)であった.治療的全脳照射により94%の症例で自覚症状の改善が得られ,CT像では85%の奏効率(CRrate:38%)であった.しかしCRを得た20症例のうち30%に局所再発が認められた.脳転移治療開始時からのMSTは治療的全脳照射完遂例で7カ月であった.脳転移が直接死因になるものは少なく,死亡した43例中11例(26%)のみであり,半数以上の症例は原発巣の増悪もしくは他臓器転移が直接の死因となった., From 1984 to 1989, 142 patients were entered into protocol studies of chemotherapy for small cell carcinoma in the National Cancer Center Hospital. Diagnosis of brain metastases was established in 58 patients by brain CT scan. The incidence of brain metastases was 41%. Of 58 patients with brain metastases, 44 presented with one or more signs or symptoms, on the other hand 14 had no neurological complaints. The most common symptoms or signs were gait disturbance (26%) , nausea and vomiting (10%) . In 58 patients who were diagnosed by CT scan, 15 (26%) had solitary metastases and 42 (72%) had multiple metastases. Forty-seven patients were treated by whole brain irradiation with doses of more than 30 Gray, followed by an improvement of neurological complaints, and response rate was obtained in 85% of patients who were evaluated by CT scan. The median survival time from the detection of metastases of the irradiated or resected patients was 7 months., 肺癌 = Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer, 30(7), p.1005-1011; 1990}, pages = {1005--1011}, title = {肺小細胞癌脳転移の臨床像と治療成績}, volume = {30}, year = {1990} }