@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019050, author = {鎌田, 篤子 and 長尾, 哲男 and 田平, 隆行}, issue = {2}, journal = {長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {介護老人保健施設(老健)の言語聴覚士(ST)を対象に,老人性難聴者への関わり方を明らかにするため,アンケート調査を郵送法にて実施し,病院に勤務するST(病院ST)と比較した.老健に勤務するST(老健ST)の基本属性は,年齢が若く経験年数も少なかった.老人性難聴者に接する頻度は高く,知識経験不足があったが,本人や他職種に機器を紹介指導した割合は高かった.ケアプランの立案・助言は,約半数のSTが関わっていた.今後,①機器についてST自身の知識を深める,②他職種に対し機器の利用も含めたコミュニケーション援助指導を行なう,③ケアプランによる援助方法を立案・助言しチームによる援助を行なう等が重要である., We conducted a questionnaire by mail asking speech language hearing therapists (ST) in geriatric health services facility about their involvement with geriatric hearing loss. Most of the subjects were younger therapist with only a few years of experience. Though half of were actively involved in nursing care institutions and designing health care plans. Our questionnaire indicated that a lack of knowledge and experience was the main reason for being unable to instruct in the proper usage of hearing aids. However referral rates of these aids to the hearing impaired elderly and advice given to other health professionals were higher than those of other ST working in hospitals only. Our questionnaire indicates these future suggestions. 1) Enhance ST knowledge of hearing aids and other welfare apparatus. 2) Instruct other health professionals in their possible assistance related to potential problems with hearing loss and usage of hearing aids in the elderly. 3) Establish assisting methods through effective health care design and promote a team oriented approach through information sharing and group problem solving., 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2004, 17(2), p.27-31}, pages = {27--31}, title = {介護老人保健施設における言語聴覚士の老人性難聴者への関わり方-病院に勤務する言語聴覚士との比較-}, volume = {17}, year = {2004} }