@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019091, author = {加藤, 克知}, journal = {長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本人成人頭蓋100例(男50例,女50例)の正中矢状面投影図上における前頭部をいくつかの部分に分割し,各々の面積を求めた.これらの面積をもとに主成分分析を行い,さらに主成分得点を用いて性差を検討した.分析の結果,固有値が1以上の主成分は2個で,累積寄与率は82.3%であった.第1主成分は寄与率が52%で,前頭部面積の大きさの因子,すなわちGeneral Size Factor と考えられた.第2主成分は寄与率30.3%で,面積のプロポーションを表すShape Factor,すなわちGlabella 部の発達を含めた前頭弧全体の膨隆ないし弯曲に関連する因子と解釈された.次いで男性と女性の標準化主成分得点の平均値の差をt-検定したところ,第1主成分の性差(α=.013)は有意であったが,第2主成分のそれ(α=.083)は有意でなかった., Sexual differences of frontal region of modern Japanese adult skulls (50 males, 50 females) on the midsagittal plane were discussed from a viewpoint of multivariate approach. Firstly, twelve areas in the frontal region were measured. In order to extract fundamental properties involved in the morphology of the frontal region, principal component analysis was applied to 9 areas arranged in the frontal arch. As the result of the analysis, two significant principal components accounting for over 80% of the total variance were extracted. First principal component is interpreted as a general size factor of the areas, and second principal component as a shape factor, showing the reciprocal proportion of 9 areas. Namely, the second factor is related to curvature or bulge of the whole frontal region containing the development of glabella, Sexual difference of each factor by using standardized component scores was tested : there is significant difference in the first factor relating area size, but not in the second factor relating the frontal curvature., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 1989, 2, p.99-104}, pages = {99--104}, title = {日本人頭蓋前頭部の正中矢状面における性差-面積の主成分分析による検討-}, volume = {2}, year = {1989} }