@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019213, author = {太田, 篤志 and 土田, 玲子}, journal = {長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {保育者の主観によって記載される保育記録が客観的発達検査とどの程度一致し,またどのような差異がみられるかについて検討した.健常保育園児40名を対象に日本版ミラー幼児発達スクリーニング検査を行ない,このスコア及び保育記録を点数化したスコアとの関連について検討した.その結果,両スコアの総合点間に有意な相関が認められたが,保育記録とJMAPの両評価に差が見られるケースも5例みられた.このことから保育場面での観察ではとらえにくい発達上の問題をJMAPが拾いだす可能性や,逆に保育場面での記録は,子供の主体性や健康上の問題等客観評価ではとらえにくい発達的側面を評価していることも示唆された., A consistency of a formal Assessment tool and subjective teacher's records are examined using 40 normal children enrolling Nanohana nursery school. Japanese version of the Miller Assessment scale for preschoolers was used as a formal assessment tool for checking children's neuro developmental behavior, including sensory and motor ability, cognitive ability, and combined ability. Teacher's records include "behavior in the nursery school", "physical ability", "creative ability", "play behavior", "ability of ADL", "communication", "social skill" and "drawing". Pearson's correlation coefficient method was used for determine the correlation of those scales. Results showed that the correlation of a total score of JMAP with a total score of teacher's records were statistically significant. However, teacher's records subscale titled "behaviors in the nursery" did not show any significant correlation with the score of JMAP. This subsucale includes "emotional stability", "sleep and awake cycles", "feeding", "health" etc, and JMAP do not directly assess any of those developmental areas. It is considered that those two scales compensate each other and check partially different developmental areas of children., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 1994, 7, p.77-84}, pages = {77--84}, title = {保育記録による子供の評価と発達スクリーニングテストの関連について}, volume = {7}, year = {1994} }