@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019214, author = {勝野, 久美子 and 西山, 久美子 and 浦田, 秀子 and 福山, 由美子 and 大塚, 健作 and 田原, 靖昭 and 綱分, 憲明 and 森, 俊介}, journal = {長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {一般成人女性(年齢20~58歳)180名を対象に,水中体重法による体脂肪率(%Fat)と血清脂質との関連について検討した.%Fatと有意な相関を認めたのは総コレステロール(TC),トリグリセリド(TG),遊離脂肪酸(FFA)であった.対象者を%Fat肥満(%Fat30%以上)群と非肥満群に分けるとTC,TG,FFAは,%Fat肥満群が有意に高値を示した(p<0.01).HDLコレステロールでは%Fatが高いほど低値を示す傾向がみられたが有意な相関はなかった.また,%Fat肥満群は非肥満群よりTC,TGの異常高値出現率が有意に高率であった(p<0.05).さらに%Fat肥満群について,ウエストヒップ比(W/H)との関連をみると,W/H0.8以上群が0.8未満群より有意に高値を示した(p<0.01)., The correlation between percent body fat (%Fat) and the levels of serum lipids was investigated in 180 normal women aged 20 to 80 years old. Body compositions were estimated by means of under-water weighing method and %Fat were calculated by the equation of Bro?ek for substitution body density. All subjects were measured for levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), free fatty acid (FFA) and high dencity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) inserum. As another parameter for obesity, waist-hip ratio (WHR) was also used for further analysis of the data. The values of %Fat were significantlly correlated with levels of TC, TG and FFA in serum. There was, however, no correlation between the values of %Fat and levels of HDLC. The mean values of TG, TC and FFA in the obese group whose %Fat was 30% or more were higher than those in non-obese group whose %Fat was less than 30%. The levels of HDLC in the obese group tended to be lower than the non-obese group, but the difference was not statistically significant. In the obese group, the values of %Fat in subjects whose WHR were above 0.8 was significantly higher than those in subjects whose WHR were below 0.8., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 1994, 7, p.85-94}, pages = {85--94}, title = {水中体重法による体脂肪率と血清脂質との関連}, volume = {7}, year = {1994} }