@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019316, author = {浦田, 秀子 and 志水, 友加 and 松本, 麻里 and 福山, 由美子 and 辻, 慶子 and 橋村, 洋子 and 松武, 滋子 and 田代, 隆良}, journal = {長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)感染あるいは保菌患者に対する院内感染防止対策を検討するために看護婦334名を対象に,9項目のケア前後の手洗い(頻度,方法,時間),手袋・マスク・ガウン着用の実践状況を調査した.ケア前に比べてケア後の手洗いの実施頻度は有意に高かった.看護者が菌を伝播する可能性もあり,ケア前の手洗いを徹底する必要性があると考える.手洗い方法は患者との接触度の高いケアでは消毒薬が,接触度が低いケアは速乾性擦式消毒薬による方法が多かった.ケア前後の手洗い時間は全てのケアにおいて半数以上の者が10~29秒であった.手袋は手指が汚染される機会が特に高いと思われるケアで着用は高かった.マスクについては痰,分泌物が飛沫するケア時の着用をより徹底する必要があると思われた.ガウンの着用率は高かった., Methicillin-resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most common nosocomial pathogens. Handwashing is the most important means to prevent hospital infection. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of nurses in preventing contamination on care of MRSA-infected patients. We investigated the performance of handwashing, wearing gloves, mask and gown on nine items of nursing cares of MRSA-infected patients. The data were collected using the questionnaire made by the researchers. The subjects of this study were 334 nurses who work at Nagasaki University School of Medicine Hospital and Clinics. The degree of handwashing after care of the patients was significantly hihger than before care. Nurses should wash hands before care not to carry microbes to patients. Nurses washed, hands with antiseptic and running water at heavy contacts with the patients, on the other side, they washed hands with quick drying rub sterilizer at light contacts with the patients. The time of handwashing was 10~29 seconds before and after care in more than half of the subjects. The score of performance of wearing gloves was higher on nursing cares with heavy contact. It is necessary to wear mask on nursing cares of patients with droplets of sputa or secrtions. Nurses weared gown thoroughly on care of MRSA-infected patients., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 2000, 13, p.85-91}, pages = {85--91}, title = {看護婦の院内感染防止対策実践に関する研究}, volume = {13}, year = {2000} }