@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019345, author = {岩木, 宏子 and 吉谷, 須磨子 and 大塚, きく子 and 酒井, 孝子}, issue = {1}, journal = {長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {教会に通う新婚・婚約中の男女とその友人達86名に対し,生命誕生についてのビデオ鑑賞,その後,性,いのち,家族計画について意見を発表しあってもらい,次にビリングス排卵法についてのビデオ鑑賞,計画的妊娠についての講義をした後,計画的妊娠やパートナーシップについて自由記載のアンケートに回答し,教育内容と回答結果について定性的・定量的分析を実施した.言語的相互作用カテゴリー分析により「愛情」「感動」「同調」を決定し,「愛情」「感動」が,計画出産というパートナーの「同調」という関連を作りだせたかを検討した.その結果,愛情について多く記載した人は,感動についても有意に多く記載していた.感情と同調との相関は,大項目では,有意な相関は認められなかったが,中項目では,「守る」と「考えを合わせる」,「大切」と「調子を合わせる」で有意な関連がみられた.また,「同調」では,「考えを合わせる」81.4%「調子を合わせる」94.2%の2項目の記載が高く,「自律できる」は8.1%と低かったことから計画的妊娠には,夫婦間で協調して実行することの大切さ,愛と責任を持って夫婦間で意見を一致させることの大切さを示していた., Opinions on birth, reproductive health and rights, and contraception and family planning were collected from 86 young Japanese who were engaged or newly married after a session of health education. The session consisted of a video-show on birth and maternity, instruction of the Billings method of ontraception, and discussion. Their opinions were analysed by using the linguistic interactive categorical analysis. Three concepts such as " impression ", " affection ", and " coordination " were selected as the major investigation categories. The three categories were then sub-devided. The percentage of participants who mentioned each categories were calculated and the relations among them were analysed. " Impression " was strongly related with " affection " , meaning that those who influenced much by the health education session had better understanding on reproductve health. " Affection " was partly related with " coodination " ,meaning that those who had better understanding on reproductive health have positive attitude towards family planning., 長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Nagasaki University. 2001, 14(1), p.83-87}, pages = {83--87}, title = {新婚・婚前のカップルヘのリプロダクティブ・ヘルス教育と家族計画教育の評価}, volume = {14}, year = {2001} }