@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019977, author = {中尾, 理恵子 and 田原, 靖昭 and 石井, 伸子 and 賀來, 俊 and 門司, 和彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences}, month = {Jun}, note = {未成年者の喫煙行動の実態と,喫煙の害や喫煙対策についての認識を明らかにすることを目的として,大学生を対象にアンケート調査を行った.対象は男子学生105人,女子学生110人で平均年齢は20.2歳であった.習慣的に喫煙をしている割合は,男子学生17.1%,女子学生1.8%であった.20歳未満で喫煙している学生は7.7%であった.喫煙開始時期は大学に入学した頃が多く,大学入学後の早い時期に喫煙に関する教育や指導を行うことが有効であると考えられた.また,喫煙を開始しにくい環境づくりを急ぐ必要があり,適切な禁煙教育やサポートを受けられる体制や相談窓口が必要であった.健康影響の知識については3割程度の認知しかない項目もあり,更なる知識の啓発が必要と考えられた., Smoking habits and knowledge and perception about smoking and its health effects of university students were studied. Subjects were 105 males and 110 females, and their average age was 20.2 years old. A classroom questionnaire survey was conducted. Prevalence of smoking (daily smokers) was 17.1% among males and 1.8% among females. Prevalence of smoking was 7.7% among males less than 20 years old. Most smokers started smoking just after the entrance in university; 75% of smokers started smoking before 20 years old. Students over 20 years old understood health effects of smoking better than students less than 20 years old. Therefore, health education for anti-smoking in the first year of their university life will be more effective for reducing smokers among university students., 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2002, 15(1), p.53-59}, pages = {53--59}, title = {大学生の喫煙行動と喫煙問題}, volume = {15}, year = {2002} }