@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019988, author = {加藤, 克知 and ビダル, イルダ and 篠田, 謙一 and 真鍋, 義孝 and 北川, 賀一 and 小山田, 常一 and 六反田, 篤}, issue = {2}, journal = {長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {頭蓋骨折と思われる傷痕を有するインカ時代ペルー先住民のTrepanation(頭蓋穿孔)施術頭蓋3例を観察し,骨折痕と頭蓋穿孔の関連について考察した.頭蓋穿孔痕は,一例は骨折受傷部と異なる部位に,残り2例は骨折受傷部に一致して存在した.これらの観察から得られた所見は,頭蓋穿孔が何らかの治療的意図を持って骨折痕に対してとられた処置であることを示唆する.すなわち,特にインカ時代は戦闘行為による頭蓋骨折発生頻度の高い時期であり,当時人々は頭蓋穿孔が骨折受傷後の状態や予後の改善に有効であることを経験的に認識していたと考えられる., Three trepanned skulls with fracture traces in ancient Peru (Inca period) were presented, and whether the trepanations were intended to the fracture lesions or the following symptom was briefly discussed. The skull fractures, probably resulting from violence, was located in the frontal or parietal regions. In one case, the trepanations were performed in different regions from the fracture lesions, and in other two cases the operations were probably done at the correspondent regions to the lesions. The observation on these skulls suggests the possibility of trepanations as an intended therapeutic procedure of the skull fractures in Inca period of Peru, where people might frequently experienced the traumatic injuries by violence such as the fight., 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2002, 15(2), p.13-17}, pages = {13--17}, title = {頭蓋骨折をともなうペルー先住民の頭蓋穿孔(Trepanation)について}, volume = {15}, year = {2002} }