@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000443, author = {松﨑, 進也 and 岩永, 絵里 and 杣川, 舞子 and 神近, 彩香 and 松尾, 和 and 山田, 絵理佳 and 三浦, 沙織 and 松浦, 江美}, journal = {保健学研究, Health Science Research}, month = {Dec}, note = {近年,ポジティブ心理学の高まりとともに,仕事に誇りを持ち,仕事にエネルギーを注ぎ,仕事から活力を得て活き活きとしている心理状態であるワーク・エンゲイジメント(Work engagement以下,WE)が着目されている.そこで,本研究では,1. 看護師のWEの現状を明らかにすること,および,2. WEに関連する要因を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象者は,A病院に勤務する常勤の看護師782名であった.対象者の属性,WE得点,WEに関連する要因の充足,未充足について自記式質問紙調査を行った.調査表を配布した782名のうち549名より回答があり,回答項目に欠損のある11名を除外し,538名を分析対象とした.平均年齢は32.1±8.7(標準偏差)歳,看護師経験年数は平均10.1±8.1年であった.二項ロジスティック回帰分析の結果,WE得点のオッズ比が統計的に有意であったのは,「希望の部署で働ける」,「上司からのサポート」,「自身の健康」,「患者からの感謝」,「仕事との距離感」の 5 項目であった.看護師のWEを向上させるためには,心身がより健康であり,希望の部署で働くことができること,上司からのサポートや患者からの感謝といった心理的サポート・報酬があること,仕事から心理的な距離を保つことが重要であることが示唆された., In recent years, the rise of positive psychology has led to increased attention on work engagement (WE)– a psychological state in which people take pride in their work, put energy into their work, and are positively energized from their work. The purpose of this study was to clarify two issues: 1. the current status of WE among nurses, and 2. the factors that affect the score of WE scale. The subjects were 782 full-time nurses working at Hospital A. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to the subjects regarding their attributes, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-J), and factors related to the score of WE. Of the 782 subjects to the survey, 549 responded. Eleven respondents with missing items were excluded, and 538 were included in the analysis. The mean age was 32.1±8.7 years, and the mean number of years of nursing experience was 10.1±8.1 years. Binomial logistic regression analysis revealed that the odds ratios for WE scores were statistically significant for the following five items: “being able to work in the department of my choice,”“ having support from supervisor,”“ being in state of good health,”“ receiving appreciation from patients,” and “being able to secure distance from work”. The results suggest that in order to improve WE, it is important for nurses to be physically and mentally healthier, to be able to work in the department of their choice, to have psychological support and rewards such as support from superiors and appreciation from patients, and to be able to mentally detach themselves from work outside work hours., 保健学研究, 36, pp.1-8; 2023}, pages = {1--8}, title = {看護師のワーク・エンゲイジメントに関連する要因の検討}, volume = {36}, year = {2023} }