@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000602, author = {Phoo, Zan Win Moh Moh and Tabuchi, Yoshiya and Nakagoe, Osamu and Kamada, Kai and Sano, Hideaki and Tanabe, Shuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {Chemistry Letters}, month = {Dec}, note = {The role of Mn in steam reforming of cyclohexane as a tar model compound from biomass on Ni-Mn/SBA-15 catalyst was examined using transient technique at 773 K and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) method. According to experimental results, it was expected that the addition of a small amount of Mn into Ni might strengthen the interaction between Mn and Ni surfaces, accelerate the dehydrogenation of C6H12, and inhibit the dissociation of C–C bonds in the adsorbed hydrocarbons., Chemistry Letters, 53(1), art. no. upad011; 2023}, title = {Transient profiles between steam and cyclohexane as tar model compound on Ni-Mn/SBA-15 catalyst in biomass steam reforming at low temperature}, volume = {53}, year = {2023} }