@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000674, author = {野上, 建紀 and 渡辺, 芳郎 and 賈, 文夢 and 椎葉, 萌 and 古賀, 新之助 and 中村, 駿斗 and 藤田, 史歩 and 三池, 温大}, journal = {多文化社会研究, Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the late Edo period, porcelain production began in the Goto Islands to the west of Kyushu. 5 kiln ruins had been discovered on Fukue Island. Nagasaki University began an archaeological survey of these kiln sites in 2016. From 2018 to 2021, we had excavated at Tanoe kiln site, and have excavated at Happongi kiln since 2022. This report is a report of the excavation survey of Happongi kiln conducted in 2023. According to old records, Happongi kiln began producing porcelain in 1805 by inviting potters from Takahama in the Amakusa region. An old map show us porcelain production space in those day. During excavations, a climbing kiln that produced porcelain was discovered. However no walls or floors of the firing chamber remain. Only the baked clay surface beneath the floor has been discovered., 多文化社会研究, 10, pp.153-165; 2024}, pages = {153--165}, title = {2023年度五島焼八本木窯跡発掘調査概要報告}, volume = {10}, year = {2024} }