@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020010, author = {山本, 直子 and 原, 恵子 and 荒木, 美幸 and 中尾, 優子 and 長岡, 清子 and 大石, 和代}, issue = {1}, journal = {長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences}, month = {Jun}, note = {保育所代表者257人を対象に,保育所における母乳育児支援の現状について調査し,以下のことが明らかになった. 1.94%の保育所が,保育所での母乳育児支援に肯定的であった. 2.保育所代表者の77%が母乳育児支援を経験していた. 3.母乳育児支援に否定的であった保育所の主な理由は授乳室および冷凍庫等の設備の不備,母乳の取り扱いに自信がない,母乳を与えることにより乳児が保育園の生活リズムに慣れない等であった. 4.母乳育児支援に関する研修会等に参加した保育士は少なかったが(12%),73%はそれらへの参加を希望していた. 出産後早期に仕事復帰する母親の母乳育児継続ニーズに対応するためには,従来の指導や援助に加えて,乳児保育を担当する保育所と出産施設との連携が必要である., The present situation of breastfeeding support in 257 nurseries in Nagasaki prefecture was studied. We interviewed the representatives of each nursery. Most representatives were female (83%) and in their 50s or 60s (67%). The following results were obtained. 1. Most nurseries (94%) were ready to accept breast-fed children. 2. Actually, 77% of the nurseries had experienced breastfeeding support. 3. The following reasons were mentioned for rejecting breastfeeding support. 1) insufficient facilities: lack of a freezer and a breast-feeding room 2) insufficient training and experiences of staff for handling frozen breast milk. 3) breast-fed babies had different daily rhythms from other babies, which made baby care more difficult. Only 12% of staff in nurseries had participated in training seminars of breastfeeding support, although many staff wanted to participate in them. Continuous services and support from delivery facilities to nurseries are important to encourage long-term breast-feeding among mothers who want to resume their work after delivery. Collaboration between midwives and nursery staff should be encouraged., 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2003, 16(1), p.79-83}, pages = {79--83}, title = {長崎県下の保育所における母乳育児支援の現状}, volume = {16}, year = {2003} }