@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020017, author = {田川, 泰 and 井口, 茂 and 中野, 裕之 and 片田, 美咲 and 園田, 容子 and 中原, 絵美}, issue = {2}, journal = {長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要, Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {ストレス解消のための音楽は,循環動態の変動を認めることが良く知られている.最近,メラトニンにもリラックス効果が指摘されている.そこで,音楽とメラトニンのストレスに対する相乗効果を検討するために循環動態と指尖部の皮膚温度の測定をおこなった.音楽単独(ボディソニック使用)では血圧低下,脈拍数減少を認めるも,皮膚温度の上昇は認められなかった.メラトニン単独では循環動態の変化はほとんどみとめられず,皮膚温度の軽度上昇を認めた.一方,音楽とメラトニン併用により,血圧低下,脈拍数減少を認め,皮膚温度の有意な上昇を認めた.以上より,音楽とメラトニンの併用は十分なリラックス効果つまり副交感神経優位の状態を作り出す事が出来た., It is known that the relaxing effects of music influence changes in circulation. Recently, it has also been pointed out that melatonin produces a relaxing effect. For these reasons, the authors analyzed the combined effect of music and melatonin on circulation and skin temperature for the purpose of proving a synergistic effect. Three groups: music stimulation only, melatonin stimulation only, and music together with melatonin stimulation were examined. The music stimulation group experienced a lowering of blood pressure and a decreased pulse, but skin temperature that depends closely on the sympathetic nervous system showed no change. The melatonin stimulation group showed no change in circulation, but the skin temperature slowly rose. The music and melatonin combination group had a lowering of blood pressure, a reduced pulse and a rise in skin temperature. The authors suggest that the synergistic effect of music plus melatonin seems to inhibit the sympathetic nervous system, thereby causing the body to relax more completely., 長崎大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences. 2003, 16(2), p.55-58}, pages = {55--58}, title = {音楽療法とメラトニンの併用による循環動態と皮膚温度の解析-有効かつ十分なリラックス効果を求めて-}, volume = {16}, year = {2003} }