@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020860, author = {益子, 典文 and 川上, 綾子 and 森田, 裕介 and 曽根, 直人}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本教育工学会論文誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {本研究では,働きながら学ぶ現職教師大学院生向けのWBL (Web Based Learning)の学習コースを構成する教材として,フィールドワークにより収集した実践事例(ケース)を学習コースへと展開する「推測型WBL教材」を提案する.複数の推測型WBL教材から構成した「実践的教材開発論」学習コースを開発し,現職教師を含む大学院講義で試験的に利用した.その結果,学習に対する推測活動の有効性と,学校で勤務しながら受講した場合の推測型WBL教材の有効性が示された.また,推測課題としては,単純な情報から学習者の多様な経験を引き出すことのできる課題が適していることが示唆された., In this study, we developed a new type of distance learning resources for school teachers who were distance learners of graduate school for in-service training. We set up "inference tasks" in process of WBL. In this task, learners are presented a practical case that is the solution of a problem in a certain school (e.g., a photo of learning material developed by one teacher with some intentions), and are requested to reason about the meaning or effect of the case and to present a short report about it. Those inference tasks were expected to be effective in reflecting learners' various experience on learning process and in keeping learners' highly-motivated learning. We call this type of resources "a prior-inference task of resources". Test courses were generally evaluated as useful by on-campus school teachers. However, it was also suggested that an inference activity was more effective in the case of presenting simple information than that of complicated one., 日本教育工学会論文誌. 2006, 29(3), p.271-280}, pages = {271--280}, title = {推測型WBL教材による現職教師用遠隔学習コースの開発と試行(<特集>実践段階のeラーニング)}, volume = {29}, year = {2006} }