@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022405, author = {郡司, 理恵子 and 安藤, 悦子 and 岡田, 純也 and 川波, 公香 and 浦田, 秀子 and 寺崎, 明美}, issue = {1}, journal = {保健学研究}, month = {}, note = {成人看護学実習における看護基本技術の経験状況を把握するため,本学の成人看護学実習を行った3年生63名の実習経験録を分析した.その結果,他校と比べ全体的に経験率・実施率は高かったが,「食事援助」「排泄援助」の実施率は低かった.また予測よりも低い実施率であった技術や実際は実施しているが評価されていないと思われる技術などが明らかとなった.こうした結果をふまえ,学生の看護基本技術の修得に向けて,臨地実習の充実とともに,学内での技術演習の充実や他領域との連携,また本学における看護基本技術の到達レベルを明らかにし,教育評価を行う必要性が再確認された., Practice records of 63 third-year students who underwent practical training in adult nursing were reviewed to clarify the state of their experience in basic nursing skills in the adult nursing practice classes at Nagasaki University. While the percentage of students who experienced or performed basic nursing skills was generally higher, the percentages of students who performed "feeding technique" and "toileting assistance" were lower, than in other nursing schools. The survey also revealed skills that were performed by a lower percentage of students than expected and those that are considered to have been actually performed but to have escaped assessment. These results suggest the necessity of improving the contents of technical training classes, coordinating them with education in other fields within the university, and clarifying the attainment level of basic nursing skills at the university as well as improving clinical training to help students more efficiently acquire basic nursing skills., 保健学研究. 2006, 19(1), p. 27-35}, pages = {27--35}, title = {成人看護学における技術教育についての検討 : 成人看護学実習における看護基本技術の経験状況から}, volume = {19}, year = {2006} }