@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022407, author = {田代, 隆良 and 永田, 奏 and 出田, 順子 and 安藤, 悦子}, issue = {1}, journal = {保健学研究}, month = {}, note = {長崎大学医学部保健学科の看護学生270人(1年生68人,2年生68人,3年生68人,4年生66人)を対象に死生観に関する自記式アンケート調査を行った.学生は,死を「永遠の眠り」「肉体と精神の眠り」「神秘・不可解なもの」と捉え,学年間に違いは認められなかった.自分の死に関してもっとも嫌なこととして,「物事を体験できなくなる」「予定していた計画や仕事ができなくなる」は1年生に,「痛み・苦しみ」は4年生に多く,有意差が認められた.死生観に影響を与えた因子は「身近な人の死」「テレビ・映画」「葬儀への参列」「読書」の順であり,学年間に違いは認められなかったが,「講義」「実習」は4年生が有意に多かった.しかし,講義や実習の影響は学生の期待よりも小さく,日々の授業において死の準備教育を行う必要があることが示唆された., A questionnaire survey was conducted in a total of 270 nursing students (68 1st grade, 68 2nd grade, 68 3rd grade, 66 4th grade) in Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences on July 2005. Most students consider a death as "eternal sleep" "sleep of body and soul" "mysterious", and there was no significant difference by the grade. On the other hand, "can not experience any more" "can not do a scheduled plan and work any more" were significant in 1st grade, and "death throes" was in 4th grade. The factors which influenced the view of life and death were "familiar person's death" "television and movie" "attendance to the funeral" "reading" in this order. There was no difference in these factors between the grades, whereas "lecture" and "nursing practice" were significant in 4th grade. It was suggested that nursing students think a death more realistic through the lecture and practice, however, the influence of that was smaller than their expectation, therefore the death education might be necessary and important to establish own view of life and death., 保健学研究. 2006, 19(1), p. 43-48}, pages = {43--48}, title = {看護学生の死生観の学年間比較}, volume = {19}, year = {2006} }