@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022414, author = {田代, 隆良 and 浦田, 秀子 and 山崎, 真紀子 and 入山, 茂美 and 岩永, 喜久子 and 松本, 正}, issue = {2}, journal = {保健学研究}, month = {}, note = {2002年から2006年に長崎大学に入学した看護学生348人(女性321人,男性27人,平均年齢18.5歳)のHBs抗原およびHBs抗体陽性率はそれぞれ0.00%と2.30%だった.338人に1クール3回のB型肝炎ワクチン接種を行い,HBs抗体獲得率と抗体価幾何平均は98.5%と1696.6mIU/mL,性別ではそれぞれ,女性99.0%,1743.2mIU/mL,男性92.3%,1225.8mIU/mLだった.1クールでHBs抗体を獲得しなかった3人に第2クールの追加接種を行った.2人がHBs抗体陽性となり,HBs抗体価は273.OmIU/mL,788.8mIU/mLだった.1年次のワクチン接種によりHBs抗体を獲得した学生の5.1%が3年次に陰転した.3人に2回の追加接種を行い,HBs抗体価は320.OmIU/mL,56.5mlU/mL,236.OmIU/mLと再上昇した.1クールのワクチン接種でHBs抗体価が10mIU/mL未満のものに対しては追加接種して抗体価を上げておく必要があるが,一度高い抗体価を獲得したものは,その後陰転しても追加接種により直ちに再上昇することが示された., The positive rates of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs antigen) and antibody to HBs antigen (anti-HBs) of 348 nursing students (321 women, 27 men) who entered Nagasaki University from 2002 to 2006 were 0.00% and 2.30%. Among 337 students who received the hepatitis B vaccination of a primary vaccine series of three doses 332 (98.5%) acquired anti-HBs with a geometric mean titer of 1696.6 mIU/mL ; 99.0% and 1748.2 mIU/mL in women and 92.3% and 1225.8 mIU/mL in men, respectively. Three students who did not respond to the primary 3-dose vaccine series received a 3-dose revaccination series, after which two acquired anti-HBs with the levels of 273.0 mIU/mL and 788.8 mIU/mL. Among the responders who achieved anti-HBs after a primary vaccination 5.1% has become anti-HBs negative in their third year. Three students of them received two doses of additional vaccination, and anti-HBs levels increased to 320.0 mIU/mL, 56.5 mIU/mL, and 236.0 mIU/mL. These findings indicate that individuals who do not respond to a primary vaccination should complete a booster vaccination, and that the anti-HBs levels decline after a primary immunization, however, they rapidly respond to an additional vaccination., 保健学研究. 2007, 19(2), p. 21-25}, pages = {21--25}, title = {看護学生における沈降B型肝炎ワクチン接種後のHBs抗体価の検討}, volume = {19}, year = {2007} }