@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022420, author = {安藤, 悦子 and 郡司, 理恵子 and 岡田, 純也 and 川波, 公香 and 浦田, 秀子 and 寺崎, 明美}, issue = {2}, journal = {保健学研究}, month = {}, note = {本研究の目的は成人看護学実習における学生のヒヤリ・ハット体験の内容や発見者,発生要因を明らかにし,看護基礎教育における事故防止教育の示唆を得ることである.学生68名が提出したヒヤリ・ハット報告は68件であった.内容別には多いものから,「注射・点滴・IVH」(20件,29.4%),「移動・移送」(18件,26.5%),「清潔」(7件,14.3%)の援助等に関するものであった.また上記3項目で,学生が自ら気づいた割合が高かったのは,「移動・移送」,「注射・点滴・IVH」,「清潔」の順であった.発生要因は,多いものから判断,確認,技術,報告・相談等であった., This study was designed to clarify the contents of incidents of students during adult nursing practicum, persons who noticed the situations, and their causes and to derive implications for the planning of accident prevention measures during basic nursing training. Of the 68 cases of incidents reported by 68 students, 20 (29.4%) were related to "injections, IVs, or IVH", 18 (26.5%) to "transfer or transport ", and 7 (14.3%) to "cleaning or bathing ". Among incidents of these 3 categories, the students most frequently noticed those related to "transfer or transport" by themselves, followed by those related to "injections, IVs, or IVH" and those related to "cleaning or bathing" in this order. The causes of these situations were lack or errors of judgment, checking, skill, and reporting or consulting in a decreasing order of frequency., 保健学研究. 2007, 19(2), p. 65-74}, pages = {65--74}, title = {成人看護学実習におけるヒヤリ・ハット体験に関する実態調査}, volume = {19}, year = {2007} }