@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024518, author = {片峰, 大助 and 本村, 主生}, issue = {2}, journal = {長崎大学風土病紀要, Endemic diseases bulletin of Nagasaki University}, month = {Jun}, note = {著者等は長崎県のイタチ130頭を調べ,そのうち3頭にParagonimus miyazakiiと同定すべき肺吸虫々体を得た.これは長崎県に於ける最初の自然感染例であるが,県下にかなり広く分布することが想像される., In December 1961, the weasels which were caught in Nagasaki Prefecture, were examined for parasite infection. In this survey, 3 out of 130 weasels were found to be infected with lung flukes. The lungs of the infected animals contained one or two worm cyst, 長崎大学風土病紀要 4(2), p.120-124, 1962}, pages = {120--124}, title = {長崎県のイタチから得た肺吸虫に就いて}, volume = {4}, year = {1962} }