@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024538, author = {坂口, 祐二}, issue = {1}, journal = {長崎大学風土病紀要, Endemic diseases bulletin of Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {長崎県下の一農村で野溜槽内の鉤虫卵の生存期間を調べると全虫卵が死滅するに必要な日数は春70日で最も長く,夏は40日で最も短い.春5~6月農繁期に肥料として用いられる屎尿は腐熟期間が一般に短いため,ふくまれる卵の孵化率が高く鉤虫の感染が春から初夏に多い原因をなしている.アメリカ鉤虫卵はヅビニ鉤虫卵に比べて抵抗力が弱く早く死滅する., Seasonal observations about the growth and survive ability of hookworm ova stored in the privy pits and out-side soil-reserviors were made practically and experimentally. Samples were taken out at given intervals in all seasons for examination. Their hatc, 長崎大学風土病紀要 5(1), p.32-37, 1963}, pages = {32--37}, title = {農村に於ける鉤虫症の調査研究 : 2. 屎尿内の鉤虫卵の季節的消長}, volume = {5}, year = {1963} }