@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024951, author = {鈴木, 博}, issue = {2}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Jun}, note = {長崎県雲仙の山林地帯(標高700m)に於て, 1977年~1980年の一年間,毎月一回,野鼠と土壌採集により恙虫を採集し,この地域の恙虫相を調査した.採集された恙虫のうち Schoutedenichia 属の一種は新種と認めSchoutedenichia(S.) nagasakiensis n. sp.と命名し記載した.Schoutedenichia 亜属は,我が国から初記録である., In the forest of Unzen area of Nagasaki Pref., trombiculid fauna was surveyed in performing the monthly collections of field rodents and soil samples for the period of one year, 1979-1980. Of the collected trombiculid mites, those belonging to genus Schoutedenichia have been identified as a new species. Therefore, it has been named Schoutedenichia (S.) nagasakiensis n. sp. and the report concerning it follows., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 24(2). p73-77, 1982}, pages = {73--77}, title = {長崎県雲仙で採集された Schoutedenichia 属恙虫の一新種}, volume = {24}, year = {1982} }