@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024960, author = {森, 章夫 and 小田, 力 and 藤田, 紘一郎 and 上田, 正勝 and 黒川, 憲次}, issue = {3}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Sep}, note = {一般にアカイエカ雌の複眼の第4,5,6列は個眼が9個,チカイエカ雌のそれは8個といわれ両者の鑑別点ともなっている.しかし野外で8個のアカイエカ雌,9個のチカイエカ雌が採集されることがあるので,この変異を生じる要因を調べるため,まず種々の温度で両者を飼育し,羽化してくる雌成虫の個眼数を観察した.その結果,アカイエカは15℃で8個しかないものが多数出現したが,21℃以上では特に5,6列の個限数はほとんどが9個であり,10個のものも少数混っていた.それに比べチカイエカは15℃では例外なく8個であったが,21℃以上では9個のものが少数ではあるが現れた.これらのことから幼虫期の飼育温度はアカイエカおよびチカイエカの個眼数に変異をもたらす重要な要因であると考えられる., The ommatidial number of fourth or fifth row of the compound eyes from center on the dorsal is different between females of Culex pipiens pallens and those of Cx. p. molestus. The actual figure is generally nine and eight in Cx. p. pollens and Cx. p. molestus, respectively. However, this number is reported to vary among these mosquitoes. Examinations were made on the ommatidial number of the compound eyes in Cx. p. pallens or Cx. p. molestus females which were reared as adults at various temperatures, to make Clear effects of temperature on variation of ommatidial number. The number of ommatidia was found to vary with breeding temperature in the fourth, fifth or sixth row in Cx. p. pallens and Cx. p. molestus. In Cx. p. pallens, females with nine ommatidia were large in number, when they emerged at temperature of 21℃ or higher, but at a low temperature of 15℃, most of them had nine or ten. On the other hand, most of Cx. p. molestus females had eight, those with nine were small in number of temperature of 21℃ or higher, but when temperature became low at 15℃, all the females had eight in each row. Accordingly, temperature seems to be an important factor for variation of ommatidial number in these mosquitoes., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 24(3). p151-153, 1982}, pages = {151--153}, title = {種々の温度下で羽化したアカイエカとチカイエカの個眼数について}, volume = {24}, year = {1982} }