@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002499, author = {吉田, 浩二 and 辻, 麻由美 and 原田, 文子 and 大山, 祐介 and 竹嶋, 純平 and 宮原, 春美}, journal = {保健学研究, Health Science Research}, month = {Jul}, note = {【目的】わが国の高齢者人口の増大に伴い高齢者に対する看護の担い手として看護学生が期待される.本研究は,看護学生が潜在的にもつ高齢者へのエイジズム(年齢差別)の実態を明らかにすることを目的とする.【方法】対象はA大学の看護学生で同意が得られた200名(2年生66名,3年生66名,4年生68名)とし,日本語版 Fraboni エイジズム尺度(FSA)短縮版を用いた調査を行った.FSA 短縮版は14項目からなり,「①そう思う」から「⑤そう思わない」の 5 件法で求め,5 - 1 点で得点化する.合計点が高いほどエイジズムが高いことを示す尺度である.収集データから,学年間および同居経験の有無での FSA 得点を統計学的に比較した.【結果】各学年の FSA 平均得点は 2年生26.7±5.9点,3年生26.8±6.3点,4年生26.0±6.1点で,学年比較で有意な差はみられなかった(P=0.72).一方,高齢者との同居経験の有無の比較では,同居経験ありの群で下位項目「誹謗」のみ FSA 得点が有意に高かった(P<0.05).【結論】本研究では,老年看護学の履修状況によるエイジズムの違いはみられなかったが,高齢者との同居経験における違いがみられた.老年看護を担う看護師の育成に向けて,継続して看護学生のエイジズムを含めた高齢者に対するイメージを把握し,老年看護学教育をすすめていく必要がある., Objective: In Japan, the demand for elderly medical care is on the rise as the elderly population increases, and nursing students have become human resources responsible for their medical care. The purpose of this study was to assess gerontological nursing education and the ageism of nursing students. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey among nursing students (n=200), including 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year, from September to November 2016. The questions assessed nursing students’ demographic factors, experience living with the elderly, and the Fraboni Scale of Ageism (FSA). We then compared the average FSA score for each grade. Results: The FSA score of the study subjects had an average score of 26.5±6.1 (range:14-41) points. By grade, it was 26.7±5.9 points for 2nd year, 26.8±6.3 points for 3rd year, and 26.0±6.1 points for 4th year. There was no significant difference in the average FSA score by grade level (P=0.72). However, in the comparison of experience living with the elderly, the “Slander” score of FSA sub items was significantly higher in the group with living experience (P<0.05). Conclusion: In this study, the cross-sectional survey revealed that there was no difference in ageism according to grade, but there are difference in living experience with the elderly. In the future, it is necessary to evaluate the relationship between ageism and gerontological nursing education with a longitudinal survey., 保健学研究, 30, pp.39-46; 2017}, pages = {39--46}, title = {看護学生のエイジズムに関する研究}, volume = {30}, year = {2017} }