@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025029, author = {岩元, 純 and 小坂, 光男 and Ye, Win and 高羽, 祥三 and 磯部, 芳明}, issue = {1}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Mar}, note = {LPS及び腰部脊髄温度刺激の組合せによる競合的刺激が除脳ウサギの体温調節に対して与える影響について研究した.通常除脳ウサギでも脊髄温度単独刺激については正常ウサギと同じような反応を示すが,耳介皮膚温のみが正常と逆の反応を示した.即ち温刺激に対して低下し.冷刺激に対して上昇した.ところで正常ウサギに上記2種類の刺激を与えると,呼吸数・皮膚温に対してはLPSが優位となり抑制効果が現われるが.ふるえに対しては脊髄温刺激の方が優位である.一方,除脳ウサギでは.耳介皮膚温はLPS投与後上昇し,呼吸数もLPSによって直ちに低下しない.ここでは,むしろ脊髄の温度刺激の方が優位となり,あたかも正常ウサギに脊髄の単独温刺激を与えたときと同じような反応を示した.このことは.LPSが「回復効果」をもたらしたものか,或は,元来脊髄温度刺激によって出現する皮膚温の上昇が,通常の皮膚温度刺激や核温度刺激によって生じる体温調節反応とは異なる作用なのか現在のところ判別できない., The competitive combination of stimuli, ie LPS-administration+lumbar spinal cord warming were applied to intact and midpontine-decerebrated (MPD) rabbits in oder to estimate the efficacy of LPS in extrahypothalamic thermoregulatory centers and the dominancy of these centers on varying effector mechanisms. MPD rabbits have restored shivering in response to lumbar spinal cooling at 34℃ and this shivering was abolished by spinal warming at 40℃. The increase of respiratory rate was elicited by spinal warming in MPD and intact rabbits, which was diminished by LPS in intact rabbit, though little affected in MPD rabbit. LPS failed to induce shivering in both animals during spinal warming. Ear temperature was changed by spinal thermal stimulation in a discordant way, upward by cooling and downward by warming, in MPD rabbit. LPS competed the spinal-warming by resulting the rapid fall of ear temperature in intact rabbit. Nevertheless, it couldn't reduce it in MPD rabbit, rather LPS raised ear temperature of MPD rabbit with spinal warming. It is inferred that LPS would have "recovery effect" to responsiveness in the vasomotor center of MPD rabbit or the role of vasodilation resulted from spinal warming may be different from usual thermoregulatory effector mechanism facilitated by skin or core heating., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 27(1). p45-52, 1985}, pages = {45--52}, title = {LPS投与と脊髄温度刺激時の橋中央部除脳ウサギにみられた効果器活動の非協調性}, volume = {27}, year = {1985} }