@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025031, author = {奥脇, 義行 and 矢内, 寿恵 and 豊, 経子 and 藤田, 紘一郎 and 月舘, 説子 and 黒川, 憲次 and 杉山, 雅俊 and 朝倉, 健夫}, issue = {2}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Jun}, note = {我々は,過去15年間にわたりインドネシア各地の飲料水を調査し,衛生学的見地から,種々の問題点を提起してきている.今回は,1982年6~7月にかけて,インドネシア各地で採取した飲料水75検体についての一般細菌数,大腸菌群数,および腸内細菌とその類縁菌の検出成績を報告する.一般細菌数の算定成績では,43検水(57%)で陽性(103/ml以上)が示され,このうちカリマンタン島,スラウェシ島,スマトラ島での18検水ではすべてで陽性であった.一方,ジャカルタ市を中心とするジャワ島での57検水については,水道水で28検水中11検水(39%),井戸水で29検水中14検水(48%)が陽性であった.大腸菌群数の算定成績は,37検水(49%)で陽性(102/ml以上)が示され,そのうちのカリマンタン島,スラウェシ島,スマトラ島での18検水はすべて陽性であった.ジャワ島での水道水29検水では21%に,また井戸水29検水では45%に陽性がみられた.これらの飲料水より分離された腸内細菌とその類縁菌は,Enterobacter cloacaeとCitrobacter freundiiが最も多く,それぞれ16検水より分離された.次いで多かったのは,6検水よりみられたPseudomonas aeruginosaであった.し尿系汚染との関連から重視されるEscherichia coliは5検水から分離され.そのなかにはジャカルタ市内の水道の2検水から分離されたものが含まれている.今回の調査成績で特に注目されることは,Salmonella C_1群がジャカルタ市内の1件の井戸水より,またSalmonella E_1群がジャカルタ市内,およびその他の3島のそれぞれ1件ずつの井戸水からというように,ほとんどインドネシア全島の検水から分離されたことである., Total colonies and coliform group from 75 samples of drinking water were counted, and the enteric and the related bacteria were detected in samples from regions of Indonesia in June and July, 1982. We carried out a quantitative test of total colonies and coliform group counts, using URICULT set that houses CLED and MacConkey media. The results of total colonies counts were positive (more than 103/ml) in 43 samples. Eighteen samples out of these 43 samples were taken in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra. Fifty-seven samples taken from Jakarta, showed the greatest positive rates: 11 out of 28 samples (39%) from tap water and 14 out of 29 samples (48%) from well water. On the other hand, coliform group counts were positive (more than 102/ml) in 37 samples (49%). Eighteen out of 37 samples were from Kalimantan, Sulawasi and Sumatra. Fifty-seven samples from Jakarta showed positive in 6 out of 28 samples (21%) from tap water and in 13 out of 29 samples (45%) from well water. Enteric bacteria and related bacteria found in sample water were primarily Enterobacter cloacae and Citrobacter freundii. Both species were idetified in 16 samples. The next frequently identified bacteria were Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and they were found in 6 samples. Escherichia coli, important bacteria in relation to fecal matter contamination, was found in 5 samples, including 2 samples of tap water taken in Jakarta city. The most noticeable points in this investigation are that Salmonella C_1 group was detected from one well in Jakarta city; Salmonella E_1 group from another well in Jakarta city, and each type was also found in wells in Kalimantan, Sulawasi and Sumatra., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 27(2). p67-74, 1985}, pages = {67--74}, title = {インドネシア各地の飲料水よりの一般細菌数,大腸菌群数の算定,および腸内細菌とその類縁菌の検出}, volume = {27}, year = {1985} }