@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025058, author = {小坂, 光男 and 大渡, 伸 and 岩元, 純 and 土屋, 勝彦 and 藤原, 真理子 and 范, 育仁 and 松尾, 幸子 and 森内, 俊之 and 松崎, 哲也}, issue = {4}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Dec}, note = {始・漸新世時代からの生きた化石といわれるナキウサギ(pika)の実験動物化に注目が集まり,本邦では1974年以降,実中研で実験室内の継代繁殖に成功している.私共はpikaの形態的特徴やその生体反応様式に興味をもち,特にその体温調節能について2,3の知見を得た.(1)室温22℃下の体温,呼吸数,体重増加は夫々,39.6℃,131c/min,10g/weekを示し,(2)25℃,60%の常温下での酸素消費量19.8ml/min・kg,呼吸数120~130c/min;29.5℃,60%暑熱下で夫々27.9ml/min・kg,200~230c/min;15℃の寒冷下では32.0ml/min・kg,86~92c/minを示した.(3)pikaの体温が家兎に比し高い理由は高い熱産生と低い熱放散に起因するが,運動量,耳介を含む皮膚体表面積,行動性体温調節能などの要因を統合すべきであろう.pikaのこれら体温調節反応結果から体温調節機序および温度適応の問題点を年代的・地理的諸条件をふまえて考察した., Pika (family Ochotonidae, not Lepordae) provided from Central Institute for Experimental Animals, in Kawasaki city, has been reared individually at 22-23℃ in P_2-facilities, in Animal Research Center in Institute for Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University. Pika, the so-called a living fossil seems to preserve its morphological characteristics of those days of Eocene epoch in the Tertiary period. Namely, their lacking of ear radiator and strong long hind legs are thought to be evolutionally undeveloped. Therefore, the objective of the present report is to estimate the capability of pika, in heat loss and heat gain mechanisms in hot and cold environment. Mean rectal temperature was 39.6℃ and mean respiratory rate was 131c/min, with no statistical significance in sexual difference. At 25℃ of ambient temperature, O_2-consumption (Vo_2) was 19.8ml/min・kg and respiratory rate was 120-130c/min. At 15℃, Vo_2 was 32.0ml/min・kg and respiratory rate was decreased to 86-92c/min. At 29℃ of high ambient temperature, Vo_2 showed increased value of 27.9ml/min・kg, with 200-230c/min of respiratory rate. From these results, physiological evidences of thermal adaptation relation to evolutional changes of thermoregulatory mechanism of pika were discussed in this paper., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 27(4). p289-294, 1985}, pages = {289--294}, title = {ナキウサギ(Pika, Ochotona rufescens rufescens)の体温調節に関する研究}, volume = {27}, year = {1985} }