@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025135, author = {土屋, 勝彦 and Riwa, P. G. and 小坂, 光男}, issue = {4}, journal = {熱帯医学 Tropical medicine}, month = {Dec}, note = {慢性脊髄動物の自律神経のToneをLin and Horvathの方法で測定評価し,脊髄無傷動物の場合と比較検討した。Wistar系雄ラットの頚髄下端をPentobarbital麻酔下で吸引除去し,室温30℃で飼育したものを慢性脊髄ラットとした.実験は室温30℃において,無麻酔,半拘束状態で約90分放置した後に,硫酸アトロピン1mg/kg又は塩酸プロプラノロール8mg/kgを腹腔内に投与し,その後の心拍数の変化から交感及び副交感神経の活動による心拍の増加及び減少幅を計算し,それらのintrinsicな心拍数(HR(o))(計算で求められた)に対する百分率を求め,各々副交感神経のTone (PT)及び交感神経のTone (ST)とした.30℃に順化した脊髄無傷の対照群では,HR(o): 362 beats/min, PT: 22.5%, ST: 24.4%と計算された.一方脊髄切断後,1週から6週後の34例(アトロピンとプロプラノロールの合計例数)の慢性脊髄ラットでは,HR(o): 350 beats/min, PT: 16.6%, ST: 15.7%と計算された.慢性脊髄動物の交感・副交感神経のToneは,脊髄無傷の対照群に比して低い値を示した.この事から,慢性脊髄動物の体温調節能等の自律機能の回復に,副交感神経のToneの変化も含めた新しい自律神経バランスの形成の関与が示唆された., Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous tones and ability of temperature regulation were compared in spinal-intact control rats and in chronic spinal rats. The lower cervical cord of male Wistar rats was transected under pentobarbital anesthesia, and the rats were reared in a room of 30℃. For the experiment, each rat was placed in wire-meshed small cage in the climatic chamber (30℃, 60%, r.h). Ninety minutes after the beginning of recording, atropine sulfate (1mg/kg, i.p.) or propranolol hydrochloride (8mg/kg, i.p.) was injected. Cardiac parasympathetic and sympathetic tones were evaluated by heart rate (HR) change after the medication. Rectal temperature (Tre), tail skin temperature (Ttail) and HR were evaluated for 30 min before the medication. Mean Tre (M. ± S.E.) in control was 38.0±0.1℃, and those in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week after spinalization were 36.1±0.2℃, 37.0±0.3℃ and 37.3±0.3℃, respectively. Resting HR (HR(norm.)) in control was 369±6 beats/min, and those in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week after spinalization were 330±19 beats/min, 344±10 beats/min and 341±9 beats/min, respectively. The excess temperatures (dT) of the tail skin over the environmental temperature in the 1st to 3rd week were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in the control. In chronic spinal rats, there was a negative correlation between the increase in heart rate by atropine (HR(p)) and HR(norm.), and a positive correlation between the decrease in heart rate by propranolol (HR(s)) and HR(norm.). In control rats, parasympathetic tone (PT) and sympathetic tone (ST) were calculated as 22.5% and 24.4%, while in chronic spinal rats (from 1st to 6th week after spinalization), PT and ST were 16.6% and 15.7%, respectively. From these results it is presumed that the change in parasympathetic tone also may be a contributing factor in the recovery of the autonomic functions in chronic spinal animals., 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine 29(4). p241-249, 1987}, pages = {241--249}, title = {慢性脊髄ラットの自律神経Tone}, volume = {29}, year = {1987} }