@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025665, author = {後藤, 惠之輔 and 後藤, 健介 and 渡邉, 浩平 and 木村, 拓 and 下田, 諭志 and 亀谷, 一郎 and 小野寺, 明 and 北嶋, 清}, issue = {54}, journal = {長崎大学工学部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University}, month = {Jan}, note = {A citizen organization of "DansaNax-Nagasaki" was formed as a part of welfare community planning by the disabled persons, university students and the authors two years ago. In this activity the authors obtained an opportunity in which investigated the barrier-free conditions in two areas using a wheelchair and assisted a wheelchair user in a car and a hospital. The former was carried out at JR Nagasaki Station and Kunimi Town in Nagasaki Prefecture, and the latter, between Seihi Town in Nagasaki Prefecture and Kurume City in Fukuoka Prefecture. As a result of this investigation, it can be concluded that although being improved for barrier-free in facilities of Nagasaki Station, Kunimi Town and Kurume City there should yet be a lot of barriers made free. The assistance for a wheelchair user also gave the authors good experiences from which cares should be necessary for the disabled not only physically but mentally., 長崎大学工学部研究報告 Vol.30(54) p.41-48, 2000}, pages = {41--48}, title = {車いす体験から見た2,3のまちのバリアフリー調査}, volume = {30}, year = {2000} }