@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028018, author = {Nagata, Koh and Shimada, Takako and Eishi, Chiaki and Nishi, Masaki and Murakami, Toru and Ohashi, Kazuaki and Kajimura, Itsuki and Miura, Kiyonori}, journal = {International Medical Case Reports Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {We report a case of dysgerminoma in a 22-year-old woman diagnosed with chromosomal abnormality, balanced translocation 46X,t(X:1)(q22;q21). She had received hormone replacement therapy for 7 years for primary amenorrhea. She visited a primary care physician because of lower abdominal distension, and a large tumor in the pelvis was discovered. She was admitted to our hospital for further examination of the pelvic tumor. She underwent laparotomy and was diagnosed with stage IIIA1 dysgerminoma (pT3apN0pM0) of the left ovary. Young female patients without the Y chromosome who are treated for primary amenorrhea may also develop malignant germ cell tumors; therefore, gynecologists should provide hormone replacement therapy and periodic pelvic evaluation., International Medical Case Reports Journal, 16, pp.117-122; 2023}, pages = {117--122}, title = {Dysgerminoma of the Left Ovary in a Patient with Balanced Translocation 46X, t(X:1) (q22;q21): A Case Report}, volume = {16}, year = {2023} }