@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003223, author = {Datzman, Brien}, journal = {長崎大学言語教育研究センター論集, Journal of Center for Language Studies Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The following paper is an exploration into the possible role(s) that transcription can play in a Japanese university English communication class of non-English majors. The impetus for this exploration was a speech given by Peter Skehan at the 2014 Task-Based Learning in Asia conference in Osaka. A part of that speech focused on research in the area of post-task transcription by students. After reviewing this talk, an overview of other related studies is given, and finally findings from both are applied to the potential for transcription activities in the author’s current context., 長崎大学言語教育研究センター論集, 4, pp.67-81; 2016}, pages = {67--81}, title = {Task Transcription as Part of a Syllabus}, volume = {4}, year = {2016} }