@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004802, author = {Yamashita, Yukiko and Matsushita, Yoshiki}, issue = {2}, journal = {水産工学, Fisheries Engineering}, month = {Nov}, note = {Factors that influence squid catch of the coastal squid jigging fishery were analyzed using data sets recorded by 9 boats in Tsushima Strait in January and February 2010 including daily catch amount, lighting pattern of fishing lamps, presence of dolphins during operations, and the number of other jigging boats operating within 2 nautical miles from the boat. Generalized linear modeling analysis indicated that catch is explained by the fishing ability of the captain and crew of each boat, illuminated fraction of the moon (lunar phase) and presence of dolphin, with assuming monthly differences in squid abundance. Influences on lighting patterns of fishing lamps and number of operating boats around the boat that fishermen always have keen interests are not detected in the analysis. The factor of fishing ability of the captain and crew of the boat may be interrupted as the ability to search the promising fishing locations in the fishing ground. Furthermore, presence of dolphin showed a negative impact on catch., 2010年1~2月に対馬海峡で操業を行ったイカ釣り漁船9隻が記録したスルメイカの日々の漁獲箱数,集魚灯の点灯数, イルカの出現状況, 自船2海里以内で操業する漁船数の資料を用いて, 一般化線型モデル解析を行った。漁獲箱数は月輝面比とイルカの有無および月ごとのスルメイカの現存量で船別に表現され, 漁業者が意識する集魚灯数と周囲の漁船数の影響は有意ではなかった。日々の漁獲が船ごとに表現されたことは,イカ釣り漁船の漁獲能力が集魚灯などの装備だけでなく, 操業位置の決定など乗員の技能の影響を受けたことを示唆している。, 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである, 水産工学, 50(2), pp.103-112; 2013}, pages = {103--112}, title = {Evaluation of Impacts of Environmental Factors and Operation Conditions on Catch of the Coastal Squid Jigging Fishery―Does the Amount of Light Really Matter?}, volume = {50}, year = {2013} }