@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005264, author = {丹羽, 量久 and 正田, 備也 and 福澤, 勝彦 and 三根, 眞理子 and 山地, 弘起}, journal = {長崎大学 大学教育イノベーションセンター紀要, Journal of the Center for Educational Innovation Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {General education reform at Nagasaki University has required new pedagogies that enhance student participation in lecture class. The authors addressed this urgent issue by developing widely applicable methods in an interdisciplinary course titled “Information and Society.” The course consisted of four lecture series of ICT application, in which 72 students engaged in learning tasks that were designed to facilitate note-taking of key concepts and general reflection of the lecture content as well as the assessment of their comprehension level. The main instructor edited students' descriptions to put them onto the course site so that the whole class could share the learning and prepare for feedback sessions. Students also responded to questionnaires that were designed to inquire their prior conceptualizations. Future directions using effective learning tasks in lecture class are discussed., 長崎大学 大学教育イノベーションセンター紀要, 5, pp.19-24; 2014}, pages = {19--24}, title = {講義主体授業における学生の参加度向上を目指した学習課題}, volume = {5}, year = {2014} }