@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005946, author = {田代, 隆良 and 緒方, 優衣 and 西崎, 仁美 and 田中, 千明 and 疋田, 桂子 and 田代, 将人 and 石松, 祐二 and 泉川, 公一}, journal = {保健学研究, Health Science Research}, month = {Jan}, note = {2001 ~ 2013年度に入学した看護学生923名の風疹,麻疹,水痘,ムンプス抗体を検討した.風疹は,HI法で 8 倍未満を陰性,32倍以上を陽性,EIA法で2.0未満を陰性,8.0以上を陽性,麻疹は,EIA法で2.0未満を陰性,16.0以上を陽性,水痘とムンプスは,EIA法で2.0未満を陰性,4.0以上を陽性とし,陰性でも陽性でもないものは弱陽性とした.抗体陽性,弱陽性,陰性の割合は,風疹;80.8%,14.7%,4.4%,麻疹;49.9%,48.2%,1.9%,水痘;91.8%,5.8%,2.4%,ムンプス;79.3%,14.5%,6.3%であり,2001 ~ 2008年度入学生と2009 ~ 2013年度入学生で比べると,風疹,麻疹,水痘の抗体陽性率,抗体価中央値は後半で高く,予防接種法との関連が示唆された.入職時( 4 年後)の追跡調査では,抗体価は低下する者が多いが,増加した者もおり,入学後の感染によるブースター効果と思われた.看護学生では,1 年次早期の抗体検査と入職時の抗体確認が必要である.さらに,麻疹,風疹だけでなく,水痘,ムンプスに対しても 2 回のワクチン接種が必要と考える., A total of 923 nursing students of Nagasaki University School of Health Sciences were examined for serum antibodies against rubella, measles, varicella, and mumps at their first year between 2001 and 2013. The rates of positive, weak positive and negative were 80.8%, 14.7%, 4.4% for rubella; 49.9%, 48.2%, 1.9% for measles; 91.8%, 5.8%, 2.4% for varicella; and 79.3%, 14.5%, 6.3% for mumps. The positive rates and median titers of rubella, measles and varicella were significantly higher between 2009 and 2013 than between 2001 and 2008. These results suggest the effects of vaccination program in Japan. Although the titers decreased in most, they increased in some after 4 years at their employment. These mean booster effects due to infection during their school days. Hence, nursing students should be examined antibodies for vaccine preventable diseases at their first year and be re-checked at their employment time. Two-dose vaccination should be introduced for not only rubella, measles, but varicella and mumps., 保健学研究, 27, pp.13-19; 2015}, pages = {13--19}, title = {看護学生の風疹・麻疹・水痘・ムンプス抗体保有状況および追跡調査}, volume = {27}, year = {2015} }