@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005954, author = {山口, しおり and 上野, 美穂 and 山中, 雅理 and 濱本, 洋子 and 吉田, 恵理子 and 中尾, 優子 and 森藤, 香奈子}, journal = {保健学研究, Health Science Research}, month = {Jan}, note = {小児看護学実習の学習課題に骨髄移植を予定している患児へのプレパレーションを設定し,実習方法の工夫を行った.当該児を担当した18名の学生を対象に自記式自由記載のアンケート調査を行い,9 名から回答を得た.記述内容を質的に分析し,実習方法の評価と今後の実習方法について検討した.学生はプレパレーションの課題を通して,小児看護学の特徴に挙げられる要素を学ぶことができ,課題設定は効果的であると考えられた.一方,実習期間が短いことで情報分析や教材作成に要する時間の不足,教員や指導者によるアドバイスのタイミングの難しさが課題であった.今後も実習期間や学生のレディネスを考慮し,多様な実習課題を取り入れていきたい., We developed a method for setting students learning tasks in nursing practice with children to help them prepare patients with leukemia for bone marrow transplants. Self-reported questionnaires on experiences were distributed to 18 students who had been assigned to such patients during nursing practice; nine were completed and returned. Descriptive data analysis was performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the method we had conceptualized. The results revealed that students learned the essentials of nursing care for children, indicating that the task set for the students was effective in helping them prepare young patients for bone marrow transplants. Nevertheless, nursing students reported having insufficient time to perform assessments or prepare teaching materials for patients. It was also difficult for teaching staff to give students adequate suggestions due to the limited duration of nursing practice. Thus, there is the need to consider both the brevity of and students' readiness for nursing practice when setting learning tasks for them., 保健学研究, 27, pp.79-84; 2015}, pages = {79--84}, title = {小児白血病患児へのプレパレーションを学習課題とした実習方法の評価}, volume = {27}, year = {2015} }