@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006671, author = {田中, 健介 and 高橋, 和雄 and 中村, 聖三 and 宮本, 敬太}, journal = {鋼構造年次論文報告集, Journal of constructional steel}, month = {Nov}, note = {When the natural frequency of the cables on a cable-stayed bridge approaches that of the entire bridge, the bridge's vibration generates local vibrations in the support cables. Because these local vibrations may affect the bridge's safety and fatigue, it is important to understand how local vibrations are generated in the cables. The validity of an analytical model was verified by microtremor measurements. In addition, analytical models of various cables were developed and used for response analysis of the support cable and bridge under running vehicles. The influences of the differences between the various models are also described., 鋼構造年次論文報告集, 17, pp.239-246; 2009}, pages = {239--246}, title = {鷹島肥前大橋の常時微動計測による解析モデル検証と交通振動解析}, volume = {17}, year = {2009} }