@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006673, author = {呉, 慶雄 and 高橋, 和雄 and 古賀, 智己 and 中村, 聖三 and 永田, 正美}, journal = {鋼構造年次論文報告集, Journal of constructional steel}, month = {Nov}, note = {The Takashima Hizen Bridge is a composite cable-stayed bridge. The main girders are made of steel and the main tower is made of reinforced concrete. After the bridge was completed in April 2009, a study was carried out to measure the ambient vibrations. An analysis model using the finite element method was verified by comparing the results of the analysis with measurements of the natural frequencies. This paper describes and discusses the results of nonlinear seismic response analyses of the main towers using a non-linear model with fiber elements and a conventional non-linear beam element model., 鋼構造年次論文報告集, 18, pp.383-388; 2010}, pages = {383--388}, title = {鷹島肥前大橋の常時微動計測による完成系解析モデルの検証と非線形地震応答}, volume = {18}, year = {2010} }