@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007219, author = {入江, 春彦 and 飯塚, 昭二}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告}, month = {Feb}, note = {The authors carried on oceanographic observations of the Bay of Omura during summer months from May to October 1952. From a view-point of distribution of temperatures and chlorinities, especially in upper 15m layer, concluded as follows. During this period, upper layer of the Bay of Omura was divided into 3 areas. A: Area proper to the Bay of Omura, having higher temperature and lower chlorinity. C: Area dominated by oceanic waters, having lower temperature and higher chlorinity. B: Area of mixing of A and C., 1952年5月から同年10月に至る夏半年間に大村湾内の15点に就いて7回次の觀測を行い、その觀測値を順位付けする事により、此の期間内では水温及び塩素量の相対的分布から、15m層以浅の上層は巨視的にA:高温低鹹な湾奥部固有水區域C:低温高鹹な湾口部外海水區域B:両者混合區域の三區域に區分し得た。, 大村湾の海洋学的並びに浮游生物学的性状に関する研究(予報) : 上層の水塊区分に就いて, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.2, pp.1-7; 1954}, pages = {1--7}, title = {大村湾の海洋學的並びに浮游生物學的性狀に關する硏究(豫報) : 上層の水塊區分に就いて}, volume = {2}, year = {1954} }