@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008085, author = {塩垣, 優 and 三浦, 信男 and 道津, 喜衛}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, B}, month = {Dec}, note = {The gobiid fish, Luciogobius grandis Arai (1970) has an anguilliform with some blackish and greenish brown color in life. It grows up to 100 mm. long in full grown size (Fig. 1). The specimens had been collected from different localities such as Ullung-do Isl. off the eastern coast of Korea, Tsushima Isls., Fukui Pref. and Izu Peninsula, Japan. The authors newly collected over 130 specimens together with 3 egg masses from Kawara and Nomo, both near Nagasaki City as well as from Tsushima Isls. During the ebb tide, the fish was found residing in high level of intertidal zone exposed to the air among pebbles in the hollows and slopes of rock with some other small elongated fishes comprising of 5 species of relative gobies and one species of gunnels (Fig. 2, A and B). A total of 3 egg masses were collected from the habitat on the coast of Nomo in April 1970 and May 1972. Each egg mass was deposited in one layer to the underside of a stone embedded in pebbles and guarded by the male parent. The eggs are club-shaped ranging 2.08 to 2.40 mm. in long axis and 0.55 to 0.63 mm. in short axis (Fig. 2, C). Hundreds of the larvae, being 3.40 to 3.57 mm. long, hatched out of a collected egg mass, were reared in a 30 liter plastic container for 44 days. However, only 4 larvae survived to young fish ranging 17.8 to 19.6 mm, in total length (Fig. 3). The reared larvae were fed first with the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis and then with nauplii of the brine shrimp, Artemia salina, the splash copep oda, Tigriopus japonicus and planktonic copepods collected from the sea. The larvae changed their life mode from planktonic to benthonic life at the juvenescent stage with the total length of about 18 mm. over 35 days after hatching. The planktonic larvae and juveniles ranging 12.5 to 18.1 mm. as measured in preserved conditions, were collected with fish lamp at Nomo Harbor, about 500 meters far from the habitat of the adult fish, in April and May 1969 and during March to May 1971 (Table 1). Upon the examination of the collected specimens, it is suggested that the fish grows up to 40 to 50 mm. in a year and this size is believed to be the mature fish size., 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.38, pp.57-64; 1974}, pages = {57--64}, title = {オオミミズハゼの生活史}, volume = {38}, year = {1974} }